Providing New Prosthetic Technology to Improve Lives
One dedicated student spent time in Raichur and Devadurga in Karnataka, India.
In partnership with Samuha Samarthya, the goal was to reduce the incidence of disabilities and ensure that peoples with disabilities achieve their maximum potential while being able to lead their lives independently and meaningfully.
The student focused mainly on the field of prosthetics, orthotics and seating. Part of the trip to India was to help the student complete their practicum as a Canadian student.
Realizing that there were no work manuals in place, the student held planning session to bring work manuals into the clinic that they worked at. At the clinic, there were a variety of levels of education and some practitioners who have not received formal education. Although, these challenges were unforeseen, the student was able to overcome them and provide new knowledge to the community by thoroughly learning about how the community and the clinic functioned. This meant bringing and utilizing prosthetic and orthotic practices from Canada in India.
By the end of the trip, this student was able to identify what topics were needed in the working manual and helped develop and outline that will hopefully be well utilized by the clinic.
In addition to working with the clinic, the student also attended two training sessions that discussed the importance of including children with disabilities into the classroom. In Indian community, it was surprising to find that children that were living with disabilities no longer attending school. The training session brought new insight to the teachers and how certain devices and adaptations could be made available to the children to allow them an easier time in school. This included implementations of special eating areas, standing frames, grab bars in washrooms, and ensuring that the building was wheelchair accessible.
All in all, the student was very grateful in participating in this amazing learning experience. The local workers and families at the clinic were very welcoming and genuinely happy to have received the help and support. The resourcefulness and creativity struck the student with awe and brought to attention the amount of waste produced when fabricating prosthetics and orthotic devices in Canada. Using this new perspective, this student wishes to implement some of this new knowledge in her Canadian practices.