Tears of Joy - Surviving the Earthquake

In 2008, a massive earthquake struck the province of Sichuan in China. The Guo family in Canada was shocked because Mrs. Guo's family, her parents, younger sister and younger brother lived close to the earthquakes epicenter.
The Guo's prayers were answered when they received word that their family had survived the earthquake but theirhouses were destroyed, leaving them living with primitive facilities and the threat of disease and malnutrition.
The Guo's applied to C.A.R.E. for emergency reunification airline tickets for their family through our partnership with Asia Miles. Soon father, mother, and their young daughter were flying via Cathay Pacific Airlines to an uncertain future in Sichuan, China.
The family reunification between the members of the Guo family was tearful, but these were tears of relief. All their lives had been spared. But then, the new arrivals felt the earth rumble beneath their feet! They thought “another earthquake!” and moved to protect their young child. But it was just an aftershock, one of hundreds of such aftershocks that continued to jolt the area and terrify the traumatized population.
Mr. Guo's sister held the critical position of director in one of the local hospitals overwhelmed by injured survivors. Immediately following the quake, she had to work 36 hours straight without sleep on a ration of instant noodles.
The Guo's worked tirelessly helping their family cope with the loss of their homes. It was estimated that the recovery program for the area would take up to 20 years, with 10 years just to solve the housing problems. Many seniors born and living all their lives in the area were reluctant to leave, no matter the personal risk to themselves.
For the Guo's young daughter, the weeks spent in China became a transforming time in her young life. Her parents know the memories of this visit will last a lifetime. Natural disasters transcend all boundaries of culture, language and age. Overcoming hardships created by these inevitable events bond people together in a universal community.